Cookies policy

In compliance with the duty of information contained in paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, this cookie policy aims to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on this website.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small-sized chero that websites send to your browser and download to your computer. Cookies allow the website to store and retrieve information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, in order to improve the services offered and contribute to a better browsing experience for the user.

Authorization for the use of cookies

In accordance with the cookie banner/notice displayed on the website, the user may accept the use of all cookies, reject them, or modify their settings.
If you choose to reject them, you will not be able to continue browsing through the website.
If you choose to modify your settings, you will be told which cookies are mandatory for the operation of the website and which you can refuse.
By accepting, you expressly consent to the use of cookies as described below.

Types of cookies

Depending on who manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and the data is processed, a distinction will be made between first-party cookies and third-party cookies.
Cookies can also be classified according to the length of time they remain stored in the user's browser, distinguishing between session cookies or persistent cookies.
Finally, depending on the purpose for which the information collected is processed, cookies can be classified into the following categories:

  • Technical cookies: allow the user to browse a website and use some of the services offered by it (for example, those used to remember the items in a shopping cart).
  • Personalization cookies: allow the user to access the website with certain characteristics, such as language.
  • Security cookies: they are used to prevent or hinder attacks against the website.
  • Add-on cookies to share social content: the so-called plug-ins, which allow content to be shared on social networks.
  • Analysis cookies: they allow the responsible to monitor the user's behavior.
  • Advertising cookies: allow you to manage advertising space on the website.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: like the previous ones, they are used to manage the advertising spaces of the website based on the information collected about the user's behavior and habits, adapting the user's advertising.
  • Geolocation cookies: used to find out the country where the user is located.

Cookies used by this website

cookielawinfo-checkbox-analisis11 mesesEsta cookie es establecida por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Las cookies se utilizan para almacenar el consentimiento del usuario para las cookies en la categoría "Análisis".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-preferencias11 mesesEsta cookie es establecida por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Las cookies se utilizan para almacenar el consentimiento del usuario para las cookies en la categoría "Preferencias".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary11 mesesEsta cookie es establecida por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent. Las cookies se utilizan para almacenar el consentimiento del usuario para las cookies en la categoría "Necesarias".
viewed_cookie_policypersistente11 mesesLa cookie es establecida por el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent y se utiliza para almacenar si el usuario ha consentido o no el uso de cookies. No almacena ningún dato personal.
test_cookie_ad1 yearTest cookie de la categoria "Publicidad"
_gaCookie de Google Analytics que permite distinguir a un visitante de otro de un sitio web. Puedes obtener más información aquí.
_ga_*14 mesesGoogle Analytics configura esta cookie para almacenar y contar las visitas a la página.
CookieLawInfoConsent1 yearEsta cookie está configurada el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent y se utiliza para almacenar si el usuario ha consentido o no el uso de cookies. No almacena ningún dato personal.
cli_user_preference1 yearEsta cookie está configurada el plugin GDPR Cookie Consent y se utiliza para almacenar si el usuario ha consentido o no el uso de cookies. No almacena ningún dato personal.

How to modify cookie settings

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from this website, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, you can find how to do it in the help menu of your browser where the procedure for its elimination is established. For more information: