Tea tree oil: what it is used for and how to use it

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The oil of tea tree can do a lot for you and your home.

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Aceite de árbol del té: para qué sirve y cómo utilizarlo 4

The origins of tea tree oil

To know its origin we must go back to the time of the aborigines of Australia, who used the leaves of the tea tree, for thousands of years, for cutaneous uses. In the 18th century, Captain Cook, together with British colonists, learned about the properties and benefits of the tea tree during an expedition in Australia. They were in charge of bringing this oil to Europe, where it was researched for its later use in medicine.

What are its properties and how to use it?

This oil is obtained by steam distilling the leaves of the tree and has a resin or camphor aroma that reminds us of a disinfectant smell. Here are some tips to incorporate it into your routines:

  1. Hot baths: pour three drops in the bathtub with hot water and relax. The steam from the water together with this oil will help your skin. In case you do not have a bathtub, you can use a bowl of hot water and place a towel over your head while putting your face over the bowl to take advantage of the benefits of the steam.
  2. Mouthwashes and gargles: bad breath? It is recommended to ingest two to three drops diluted in a glass of water or juice and accompanying it with food, you can also make inhalations or ingest for issues related to the throat.
  3. Relaxed and rested feet: fill a bowl with warm water and add a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Get comfortable, put your feet in the bowl and relax.
  4. Makeup tools cleaning: add a few drops of oil to your usual brush cleaner. It will help keep them clean and soft.
  5. Scalp care: you can also use this oil to add a few drops to your shampoo, very useful for the scalp.
  6. Refreshes the environment: if you have an aroma diffuser, adding a few drops of tea tree oil in it will refresh and clean the environment. In case you do not have it or want to have this resource in any situation, you can pour a few drops on a handkerchief and breathe its aroma. It is very useful, for example, for long flights.
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Aceite de árbol del té: para qué sirve y cómo utilizarlo 5


Although there are no known contraindications for Plameca tea tree oil, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. It contains no dyes, perfumes, parabens or silicones, but it is very important not to exceed the recommended dosage and to keep it out of the reach of children.

Plameca uses 100% oil of Australian origin, and guarantees this origin by chiral analysis of the terpene components, which allows to differentiate the botanical and geographical origin of the oil, as well as to quantify its purity. Plameca tea tree oil guarantees a richness of 40% of terpinen-4-ol and 80% of total terpenes, well above the minimum amounts required by international standards (min. 30%).

Before using tea tree essential oil, it is essential to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully and, in no case, exceed the recommended dosage.