All that Aloe Verum can do for you

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Aloe is a must, an essential to always have on hand. Do you need to take care of your skin after a long exposure to the sun? Aloe Verum Topicum. Do you have gastrointestinal problems or need help with your immune system? Aloe Verum Premium, Aloe Verum Bio or Aloe Verum Bio with green tea. And the same if you feel more tired than usual lately.

The range Aloe Verum has a topical gel and three aloe juices, Aloe Verum Premium, Aloe Verum Bio and Aloe Verum Bio with green tea. All of them without aloin thanks to an additional new production process of cold purification of the juice, eliminating aloin and other hydroxyanthracene derivatives (DHA) without using high temperatures or filters, which would damage the high quality of the aloe juice.

All products in the Aloe Verum range are gluten-free, lactose-free, egg-free and dairy-free. So that everyone can enjoy its countless properties.

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Todo lo que Aloe Verum puede hacer por ti 5

Aloe Verum Premium

Aloe Verum Premium is a Premium quality, unpasteurized, pure flavored aloe juice. It contains all the pulp of the fresh plant and the harvest in which it was collected is identified. It is important to know that it is produced with aloe vera plants harvested in exclusive crops of Andalusia and its transfer to the biofactory is done in just 24 hours to ensure all the properties of the plant.

It is made by hand exclusively from the inner gel of the fresh leaf to ensure its high quality and has no added sweeteners, colorings or flavorings. Each bottle of this aloe is numbered, which guarantees maximum exclusivity and traceability of this juice.

Quality assurance

The juice is subject to an analytical control of active principles that ensures a minimum of 310 mg/l of aloverose (analysis by Spectral Services, Germany).

Aloe Verum Premium has the best functionality index on the market, 9.12 out of 10. But... how is the functionality index obtained?

Plameca has increased the number of analytical controls by a factor of five and has increased the quality parameters from 2 to 10. All the parameters measured are specific to the aloe plant, measurable and scientifically demonstrable. These quality parameters analyze freshness (glucose, malic acid and lactic acid), functionality (through aloverose, dry residue, magnesium and calcium) and purity (internal fillet only, aloin control and maltodextrin free). These parameters can be positive, such as those that quantify functionality and freshness, or negative, such as those that indicate incorrect product processing or adulteration.

 In addition, the score is obtained independently through the study conducted by the specialized laboratory Resonantia and Biofactoría Naturae "Development of a Functionality Index for the Classification of Aloe Vera Juices".

Its purity is such that small variations in flavor related to the different harvesting seasons can be observed. It should also be noted that Aloe Verum Premium undergoes a maturation process in the bottle, so its flavor evolves smoothly over time.

Instructions for use

To consume it you should take 50 ml in the morning (the product includes a dispenser), before breakfast, to notice a general effect on the organism. But if what you want is its digestive effect, the recommendation is to take 25 ml before the main meals.

Everything Aloe Verum can do for you 6

2. Aloe Verum Bio

Aloe Verum BioAloe juice, on the other hand, is the first 100% Bio aloe juice in Europe that is not pasteurized. It has the 100% organic product and cultivation certificate and a minimum aloverose content of 250 mg/l.

New additional process of cold purification of the juice, eliminating aloin and other hydroxyanthracene derivatives (DHA) without the need to use high temperatures or filters, which would damage the high quality of our aloe juice.

Like Aloe Verum Premium, it is a juice made by hand exclusively from the inner gel of the fresh leaf, harvested in Andalusia, it is unpasteurized, cold processed and has no added sweeteners, colorings or flavorings. This results in a pure flavor.

Its mode of use is exactly the same as that of Aloe Verum Premium: 50 ml in the morning for a general effect or 25 ml before the two main meals to notice its digestive effect.

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3. Aloe Verum Bio with green tea

This is the first organic aloe juice in Europe, unpasteurized and infused with green tea. The particularity of this juice is its taste, as it tastes like green tea. It is perfect for those who dislike the pure taste of aloe.

Aloe Verum Bio with green tea It also has no added sweeteners, colorings or flavorings, and you may wonder... how does it taste like green tea? Well, the fresh green tea leaves are infused with the same undiluted aloe juice, providing a pleasant flavor.

4. Aloe Verum Topicum

The extraordinary virtues of Aloe vera were discovered centuries ago by ancient civilizations who used it for healing purposes, either for burns and wounds, or as a digestive and general tonic.

The raw material used for the Aloe Verum Topicum comes from exclusive crops and is subjected to a rigorous production process, from the manual harvesting and decortication of the leaves, to the extraction and cold pressing of the pulp, which eliminates the pasteurization process, thus guaranteeing the full preservation of its active principles. This is demonstrated by the high freshness index value of our raw material.

To all of the above, we must add the cold incorporation of rosehip oil, due to its high concentration of omega-3, omega-6 and vitamin A essential fatty acids.

Its topical use is suitable as a healing, repellent, moisturizer and to increase the speed of recovery of skin burns.

In addition, its tolerance has been tested on volunteers, it is fragrance-free, fast absorbing and highly moisturizing.