Mental fatigue, do you suffer from it too?

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We often think of fatigue or exhaustion as something physical, but mental fatigue exists and you have probably noticed it. Our pace of life, stress, worries and multitasking take their toll on our brains and sap our energy.

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Mental fatigue, do you suffer from it too? 5

What is mental fatigue and what are its symptoms?

Although it is normal to feel mental fatigue occasionally, it is important to know what it is and what its symptoms are in order to identify it and learn how to avoid or deal with it.

It is the fatigue felt by our brain, which causes us to feel mentally weak. In addition, it may be accompanied by physical fatigue or conversely, physical fatigue may be accompanied by mental fatigue.

Stress is the worst enemy of mental fatigue, but it is not the only trigger of this fatigue that we have all felt at some time. Lack of physical activity or an overload of it, poor diet, overweight, lack of sleep or recurrent stressful situations can lead to this ailment often little taken into account.

Psychological fatigue affects all areas of our lives when we suffer from it:

  • Sleep problems
  • Lack of energy
  • Apathy
  • Lack of concentration
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Physical fatigue
  • Alterations in productivity
Woman meditating
Mental fatigue, do you suffer from it too? 6

How to avoid it?

Once we have well identified what mental fatigue is, we can easily identify when we suffer from it. Although it is important to work on it in order not to reach this state.

And how do we do it? It's nothing new, but disconnecting with any kind of activity that gives us pleasure helps. Many people find it helpful to do yoga and meditate, to connect with their inner self, but there are other activities such as dancing, reading, cooking or simply watching your favorite series that can help you keep mental fatigue at bay. But that's not all:

  1. PrioritizeLearning to say no is a simple gesture that will not bring many benefits both physically and mentally. If the tiredness you feel does not allow you to enjoy social activities, for example, dedicate that time to yourself. Take care of yourself!
  2. Time managementTime is the most valuable asset we have, time, and learning how to manage it properly will not only help you improve your performance and achieve your goals, but will also considerably reduce stress. Be aware of the time you have available for each area of your life and each task and avoid creating to-do lists that you know you will not be able to accomplish.
  3. RelativizeIt is easy to say it, but not so easy to put it into practice. Learning to tolerate frustration and know how to remain calm in adverse situations will not make the difficult moment less difficult, but it will help you overcome it more easily and quickly, which will greatly benefit you and reduce the stress involved in the experience.
Woman practicing sports at home to avoid mental fatigue
Cansancio mental, ¿tú también lo sufres? 7

Dealing with mental fatigue

The three pillars are essential: eating well, resting properly for the necessary hours and hydrating yourself are your best allies when it comes to redirecting mental fatigue.

Taking care of body and mind should be our main priority. However, if you feel that with these and the previous tips you are not able to regulate your mental fatigue, food supplements based on:

  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which helps normal intellectual performance.
  • Zinc, which contributes to normal cognitive function.
  • Vitamin B5 and B12, which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

If you notice that your day-to-day life is getting the better of you, that you're not getting everything done or that stress is taking over, pay attention to your mind and body and take care of them.