In autumn, one of the best natural allies is the propolis. Propolis, also known as propolis, is a substance manufactured and produced by bees, through the collection of a resin from the bark of trees, such as pine, willow or fir trees. These intelligent insects use it to insulate, protect, disinfect and seal their hive, thus keeping it free of viruses and bacteria, and protecting themselves from external aggressions.
Summum Propolthe ally for your defenses
At Plameca we have created a range of five products ideal for this autumn season: Summum PropolThese five products are based on different compounds with propolis extract as the common ingredient. These five products are: Summum Propol Capsules, Summum Propol Adult Syrup, Summum Propol Infant Syrup, Summum Propol Spray y Summum Propol Extract.
Summum Propol Capsules contains Vitamin C and zinc, which contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. In addition, it is also composed of echinacea and aloe vera, traditionally used for the normal functioning of the immune system.
Regarding Summum Propol Adult Syrupis composed of thyme, echinacea, sundew, erysimum and eucalyptus, which have been traditionally used for the maintenance of respiratory well-being. Its equivalent children's contains eucalyptus honey, mallow, vitamin C and echinacea.
Summum Propol Spray is a spray consisting of thyme, echinacea and peppermint essential oil. And for those seeking only the benefits of echinacea and propolis, Summum Propol Extract.
Keep the range at hand Summum Propol!
[resum]In the autumn, one of the best natural allies is the propolis. Summum Propol Plameca contains propolis extract.[/resum].