The evening primrose oil comes from the seeds of the flower of the Evening Primrose or Oenathera plant, native to North America, with traditionally recognized properties. Evening primrose oil is a natural remedy known as "Evening Primrose Oil".the woman's plant".
Onaprim Plameca's Evening Primrose Oil is created from first cold pressed evening primrose oil. This is a procedure by which the seeds of this plant are subjected to cold pressing to obtain an oil with important properties.
Evening primrose oil contains linoleic acids, vitamin C, minerals (potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc and calcium) and amino acids, such as glycine, lysine, phenylalanine, arginine, leucine, histidine and proline.
Discover Onaprim of Plameca, evening primrose oil pearls, "the woman's plant".