Polynesian noni and its benefits

The noni is the fruit of a tropical plant native to India and Southeast Asia. Morindacitrifolia. Migratory movements moved this plant to the islands of the Pacific, and it was in the volcanic soils of the Pacific that it was first introduced. Polynesia where the tree of the noni proliferated more rapidly. The healers of the Polynesia granted the noni a privileged position among the plants that were used thousands of years ago. The Polynesian noni was used for the treatment of the most varied conditions, both in the form of ointments and frictions as well as orally (with the noni juice They used to elaborate a digestive tonic to treat internal affections and weakness problems). The properties that have been traditionally attributed to the noni have made it to be considered a sacred fruit by different cultures in Asia and Oceania.

In the West, the interest in the properties of the noni began in the 19th century, when Europe wanted to deepen the study of tropical botany. However, the appearance of antibiotics made the interest for the tree of the noni was overshadowed until World War II. At that time there were American soldiers stationed in the Pacific Islands who benefited from its use. From then on, studies on this medicinal plant were resumed. In the nineties, the massive commercialization of the noni worldwide, and it was in 2003 when the European Union admitted the use of the noni as a dietary supplement. Its consumption has not stopped growing since then.

The Polynesian noni is an almost spherical fruit, green in color, which reaches a diameter of between 2 and 4 centimeters. Its surface is covered with small protuberances, each of which contains a seed.

Noni juice

The noni juice -easy to find in herbalists and health food stores- stands out for its high nutritional value and for the presence of powerful active agents such as xeronine, proxeronine, damnacanthal, amino acids, minerals, bioflavonoids, etc.


[resum]The properties that have been traditionally attributed to the noni have made it to be considered a sacred fruit by different cultures in Asia and Oceania. The noni juice -easy to find in herbalists and health food stores- stands out for its high nutritional value and the presence of powerful active agents.[/resume].


Sources of information

Photo: © vilainecrevette - Fotolia