Aloe Verum Bio, a European benchmark


We want to share some great news with you! At Plameca we have launched Aloe Verum Bioa reference food supplement on a continental scale, as it is the first food supplement in the world. aloe vera juice 100% organic and unpasteurized (i.e. without subjecting the plant to high temperatures that would alter its active ingredients). You should know that Aloe Verum Bio is also a product of proximity, since it is grown in Seville, specifically in the 10-hectare Finca Bencaloe. It is the largest plantation of organic aloe vera in Europe.

The aloe veraas you know, is an ancient plant whose use has been exploited since ancient civilizations (such as the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans), through the prominent physician and alchemist Paracelsus (in the 16th century), up to the present day. At present, the aloe vera continues to be studied, and knowledge of its numerous applications and virtues is spreading. Perhaps the best known research is that of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, in California (United States), carried out in 1985. It revealed the beneficial effect of the habitual consumption of drinkable aloe vera on the digestive system. In fact, aloe vera plants have been traditionally used for the maintenance of gastrointestinal health and in situations of fatigue..

Experts in unpasteurized Aloe Vera

Thus, Aloe Verum Bio is added to the product range Aloe Verum from Plameca. All the plants used to manufacture the products Aloe Verum come from the Bencaloe Estate. It is important to note that only the whole leaves of the fresh plant are harvested using an exclusively manual method in order to avoid altering the properties of the aloe vera as well as the oxidative stress of the plant. The plant is transferred within 24 hours to the biofactory for processing. The quality of the entire process is certified by the University of Burgos (Spain) and by the Spectral Services laboratory (Germany). The following are also part of the range Aloe Verum:

  • Aloe Verum PremiumThe pure flavor, with all the pulp of the fresh, unpasteurized plant. Each package of this drinkable aloe vera juice The bottles are individually numbered and have vintage identification.
  • Aloe Verum Classicum. Unlike the previous one, it does not contain the pulp of the plant.
  • Aloe Verum Topicum. It is a gel for topical use, enriched with Rosehip.

As always, we remind you that food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Have you tried drinkable aloe vera? Tell us about your experience!