Presentacion de Plameca a los Medios de Comunicacion

Plameca has just presented to the media in Madrid the history, development and growth of the company throughout its 33 years of life, as well as the wide range of natural products and food supplements it manufactures, and its future projects.
In an art gallery in Madrid's Salamanca neighborhood -Espacio Cruz Bajo- Oscar Fernández, Plameca's General Manager, and Isabel Faurat, Marketing Director and Naturopath, reviewed the exciting history of Plameca since its inception and presented its star lines: Aloe Verum® (unpasteurized aloe vera) and Curarti® (Curarti Complexed Curcumin®), among others. They also confirmed with figures the unstoppable growth of Phytotherapy in Spain and worldwide, as well as the return to the 'natural' and products that improve health and have a better quality of life.


The event was a complete success and was attended by more than 50 journalists from the main national newspapers (El País, El Mundo, ABC, and their health and lifestyle supplements...), women's magazines (Vogue, Woman, Elle, Glamour, Marie Claire, Telva... and their websites), radio stations (cadena SER, COPE, Gestiona Radio, Radio Intereconomía....), television (Las mañanas de Ana Rosa Quintana), specialized magazines (Objetivo Bienestar, Yoga Journal, A Magazine, Golden, Diplomática, Luna y sol, Be and life), the most visited Beauty and Health websites (Belleza Pura, Belleza eres tú, Markando estilo, Beautopic....) and heart magazines such as ¡Hola! and Semana (Style, Beauty and Health supplement), among many others.


We are very grateful to the press for attending the presentation and for the interest shown in our trajectory.

pres pm medios madrid collage