

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Aloe Verum Premium

Aloe Verum Premium, 10 years with you

It has been 10 years since the launch of our drinkable aloe vera and one of the highest quality aloe vera in [...]

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Heart / Cholesterol

Recipe: Salmon rolls

Salmon is a source of good fats, proteins and is rich in Omega 3 and Omega-3 fatty acids.

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Quality of life

Is eating a yogurt and a piece of fruit healthy?

How many times have we heard that "today a light dinner, a yogurt and a piece of fruit, and then we'll [...]

banner blog crudiveganismo
Trends and curiosities

Raw veganism

Raw veganism is a style of eating and diet based on raw vegetables and fruits. Derived from veganism, raw veganism [...]

banner blog 4 basics autumn 6
Quality of life

4 basic products for a good autumn

Autumn affects us on many levels, in terms of energy, we are more tired and the well-known autumn asthenia appears. [...]

Bnner blog
Healthy Indications

Brewer's yeast and 7 other foods to prevent hair loss

At Plameca we have spent the whole month giving you tips on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to avoid the fall of the [...]

John oCallaghan
Healthy Indications

5 ways to get back to the routine with recharged batteries

It is a time of changes, of resuming obligations, of going back to school, to work, to university... And all of this after [...]

plameca change brain PORTADA
Quality of life

4 steps to improve your brain performance

Have you ever wondered how to exercise your mind? Or even, have you felt very tired psychologically, whether it's [...]

Quality of life

6 steps to better sleep

Researchers constantly warn of the importance of respecting the hours of sleep. There are numerous disorders that can be [...]

Quality of life


Achieving a total and balanced harmony between body and mind has extraordinary benefits for our health, both physical and mental.

Presentacion de Plameca a los Medios de Comunicacion


Plameca has just presented to the media in Madrid the history, development and growth of the company to the [...]

Quality of life

Tea tree, Plameca's new essential oil

At Plameca we are committed to your natural wellbeing and that is why we wanted to offer you one of the most [...]

Trends and curiosities

How does the couple from Ocho apellidos vascos take care of themselves?

Dani Rovira and Clara Lago. His life was transformed from May 14, 2014, the date of the premiere of [...]