6 steps to better sleep

Researchers constantly warn of the importance of respecting the hours of sleep. There are numerous disorders that can be related to a person's insufficient rest. Not getting enough sleep leads to a constant feeling of tiredness, affects performance and mood. It can lead to irritability, depression and anxiety.

The ideal average rest time for an adult person is between 7 and 9 hours. But it is not only the hours of sleep that matter, the quality of sleep is also relevant for a good rest.

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Tips for better sleep

Daily physical exercise

Regular daily exercise is very beneficial for a good rest, but be careful! Performing it just before going to bed can be counterproductive.It can over-stimulate the body and prevent sleep.

The sport should be done in the middle of the afternoon, which is when the body gets the most benefit from the exercise. It also helps to oxygenate the head and mind after work.

No electronic devices before bedtime

More and more studies are showing that electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets and TVs prevent people from falling asleep. These devices emit an artificial blue light that delays the production of the hormone that regulates sleep cycles. When receiving this light, the brain receives many stimuli and interprets that it should be alert and stay awake. Always avoid them! Even if you are sleepy, the use of technology before going to sleep can activate us quickly.

Also, don't forget that after a full day of using new technologies, the mind needs a break from so many bright screens.

The dinner

Another very common practice, especially in Spain, which prevents good rest, is to have dinner just before going to bed. It is recommended to maintain a routine and have dinner at least every day, 90 minutes before going to bed. It is also not advisable to go to bed hungry, as it will worsen the rest.

If you want to sleep well, heed the saying "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar". At night, our nervous and digestive systems are also preparing to rest, so the need for calorie intake is lower. That is why dinners should be light so that they do not require heavy digestion.

On the other hand, you should completely avoid exciting and caffeinated beverages, such as soft drinks, coffee or tea.

Following a routine

Maintaining sleep schedules can be very beneficial for good rest. Going to sleep and waking up every day at the same time trains our body and will make us go to bed sleepy and wake up refreshed.

Good rest area

A quality mattress, bedding and pillow are essential for a good night's sleep. Pajamas and bed linen should be of high quality. cotton and breathable.

The bedroom should also have the most optimal conditions for sleep: it should be dark, ventilated and maintain a cool temperature.


One of the Plameca product lines that help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep is Plameca's Melanoctin range. The effect is obtained with an intake of 1 mg of melatonin shortly before going to sleep (half an hour before). Melatonin contains vitamins B6 and B12 which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. In addition, it contains medicinal plants such as Passionflower, California Poppy, Valerian and Melissa.

For people with difficulty falling asleep or with sleep-wake cycle disorders due to night work, jet lag, etc. We recommend "Melanoctin - sleep in a jiffy!" (in drops or tablets). For people who, in addition to having difficulty falling asleep, have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night, we recommend "Melanoctin Dream All Night".