Turbot with hollandaise sauce

Today we show you how to prepare turbot with hollandaise sauce, an easy-to-make delicacy with which you will enjoy this delicate fish.

Turbot is an oily fish that has great properties. Its strong points are in minerals, potassium, phosphorus and selenium, which helps in the creation of antioxidant enzymes.

In this recipe, the flavor of the hollandaise sauce complements very well with the marine aromas of the turbot. The result? An elegant and intense dish that will surprise you.


  • 2 turbot fillets
  • 100 g mushrooms
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Parsley
  • Hollandaise sauce (recipe in the sauces section)


  1. Grill the turbot fillets on a griddle with a little oil and season.
  2. Cut the spring onion and mushrooms into slices and sauté with a little oil. Set aside.
  3. In a shallow dish, serve the fish. Top with mushrooms and hollandaise sauce to taste.
  4. Finally, broil for about 3 minutes in a preheated oven.

Now you have the turbot with hollandaise sauce ready, what did you think?

Jeffrey Ruiz's version

Prepare this delicious recipe and share the results with us at social networks tagging us or using the hashtag #recetaPlameca, so we can share them with the rest of our followers. Enjoy!