Celebrities rely on the properties of aloe vera

Taking care of yourself in a natural way is the order of the day. The ecological, sustainable and responsible trend is a fact, especially when it comes to using the best remedy for our internal and external wellbeing.

Aloe vera is a wonderful plant with multiple healing and healthy properties, which has more than 200 essential nutrients for our body. Its multiple properties make it one of the main ingredients in beauty and cosmetic products used by celebrities.

It is said that Cleopatra, the beautiful queen of Egypt, already used the pulp of this extraordinary ingredient, but so do some celebrities such as Elsa Pataky or Jennifer Aniston. The multiple benefits of the product allow it to be used for topical or oral use, as a natural cosmetic or as a food supplement.

Elsa Pataky has confessed on several occasions her confidence in aloe, as has Jennifer Aniston, who considers aloe vera to be an infallible beauty trick for the skin.


Aloe Verum®, Plameca's Aloe Vera range

Plameca has the Aloe Verum® range whose main ingredient is unpasteurized aloe vera. Within this range there are 4 very complete products, elaborated with aloe plants harvested in exclusive cultivations in Andalusia.

Aloe Verum® Premium, Aloe Verum® Bio and Aloe Verum® Classicum are Plameca's three non-pasteurized drinkable aloe products; non-pasteurization prevents their natural properties from being altered. We told you about it in the last post "Aloe Verum® Bio, a European benchmark". .

Aloe Verum® Topicum, for topical use, also combines Rosehip oil, which enhances its moisturizing and healing properties.

Plameca's Aloe Verum® products are benchmark products of European quality guaranteed by their origin, proximity, purity and quality.Discover them!