We celebrate the anniversary of Resolutivo Regium!

The food supplement Resolutivo Regium meets the following requirements more than 90 years in the market. 1927 was the beginning of the history of a fantastic product beneficial for people with urinary tract stones. Its 94th anniversary attests to its quality and effectiveness as a solution for clearing kidney stones.

Regium Resolute is a supplement created on the basis of 8 medicinal plantsThe active principles of these plants are distilled in a formula: arenaria, horsetail, nopal, lemon balm, boldo, rosemary, couch grass and herniaria.

Clearing calculations

The product retains the original formula patented since 1927.which provides the functions of eliminating stones in the urinary tract (not in the kidney), in the gallbladder and in the saliva.

With its more than 90 years of history, there is no other product on the market that helps to eliminate stones as Resolutivo Regium does. In these cases, the medical recommendation is to drink a lot of water or perform a lithotripsy treatment.

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The process of creating the product uses steam as a method of separating the active ingredients (hydrolates) of the plant. This different way of manufacturing allows to obtain a different and unique product.

During these 90 years on the market, physicians and pharmacists have developed numerous tests and clinical trials to verify its results.

Discover Resolutivo Regium.