Natural remedies for hair loss made at home

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An effective way to prevent hair loss, apart from eating foods that help you to prevent hair loss, is to as we discussed the previous weekThe best way to do this is by moisturizing and washing your hair with good quality products and, if possible, low in chemicals. In today's article we propose 3 natural recipes so you can make your own shampoo, conditioner and mask in a natural, easy, homemade and fast way. With 100% natural products, free of parabens and silicones, you can also attack hair loss effectively from the first application. Take note of these homemade shampoo and mask recipes that we teach you here so you can nourish your damaged hair without chemicals.


Refreshing anti-hair loss shampoo

Diseño sin título 3For the preparation of the homemade shampoo we will need a neutral Ph shampoo which will be the base on which we will add the rest of the ingredients.

Add 20 drops of rosemary oil to the shampoo and a couple of sage leaves. Sage is an excellent regulator of hair sebum. That's why it is also great for those who have oily hair, as it will help you regulate the oil that transpires from your hair and it will look cleaner for longer.

Add two capsules of vitamin E and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Vitamin E helps fight hair loss and 10-15 drops of olive oil. If you want to get a refreshing effect add 3-4 mint leaves and a few drops of lemon.

Once we have all the ingredients in the container with the neutral Ph shampoo, stir well and let stand for 10 minutes and it will be ready to apply with a gentle massage and rinse.


Aloe Vera based Conditioner

Aloe Vera will also help you fight against hair loss and will give your hair an extraordinary shine, which will be hydrated, healthy and strong. We will add a tablespoon of aloe vera, a tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and an infusion of green tea. For its high amount of antioxidants and these help hair grow faster.

Apply after shampooing on the mid-lengths and ends and leave it on for about 3 minutes. You will notice how the aloe causes the hair to harden, don't worry, it is acting correctly. Then rinse your hair and enjoy softer and stronger hair.


Moisturizing avocado mask

Diseño sin título 4After washing your hair and conditioning it with the natural anti-hair loss shampoo and conditioner, seal the process once a week with the natural mask based on avocado and coconut oil. It will help strengthen your hair, moisturize the ends and add shine.

You will only need one tablespoon of avocado oil, one egg yolk, half a cup of warm water, one tablespoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and stir well until you get a thick consistency. Apply all over the hair and put on a plastic cap to keep it warm and leave it on for 20 minutes.

Then wash your hair as you normally do and you will see that your hair will gain consistency, hydration and strength.


Do not forget prepare your hair Do you use any other home remedies for seasonal hair loss?