10 tips to survive the excesses of the holidays

Every year, the same thing happens: the christmas holidays and, with them, excesses. Alcohol, coffee, fatty foods and, above all, sweets tend to be responsible for the Christmas excesses. To these we must add the decrease in physical exercise and the breakdown of daily routines. The most common consequences are an increase of between 2 and 4 kilos in weight and an increase in cardiovascular risk. What can we do? The key is to be moderate and to compensate.

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10 tips to survive the excesses of the holidays

  • Drink 2 liters of water a day. We will be able to better cleanse the kidneys, eliminate toxins and avoid fluid retention.
  • Chew food well, eat slowly and not in large quantities. We will have a more real feeling of satiety.
  • Do not skip meals. In this way, we will avoid anxiety at the next meal, especially if it is one of the most copious ones.
  • Introduce broths or salads in the first courses. It will help to satiate us.
  • Increase the consumption of infusions, especially relaxing and digestive. Problems with intestinal transit are frequent. For this reason, it is advisable to use a supplement such as our Esencialiswhich has benefits on our digestive health, since it contains calcium, which contributes to the normal functioning of digestive enzymes; and zinc, which contributes to maintaining a normal pH balance in the body.
  • Increasing fruit consumption in desserts (such as pineapple or fruit salad).
  • Moderate consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages. The latter not only increase cardiovascular risk and cause stomach problems, but are also very high in calories.
  • After-dinner snacking leads to excessive consumption of sweets. It is recommended to put few quantities on the table and try to choose only one or two of the ones we like the most and enjoy them.
  • Exercise is important. During those days our routine is more sedentary. We can compensate for the Christmas excesses by taking long walks or excursions to the mountains.
  • Depurative diets. In the days alternating to the holidays and the days after, depurative diets based on broths, asparagus, pineapple, etc. should be carried out to compensate. It is also important to incorporate a depurative supplement such as our Ber-detoxThe product has a formula with 9 active ingredients to achieve a functional, integral and unique product.

Iolanda Almirall Candelario

Graduate in Dietetics and Human Nutrition