With Ber-Detox, toxins are out!

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Our organism accumulates toxins either due to external factors that do not depend on us or as a result of our lifestyle. This can lead to a number of liver disorders... And to help detoxifying our body and purifying toxinsPlameca has created Ber-Detox: a product that combines plant extracts and substances traditionally used for liver and body detoxification. Two ingredients of great beneficial properties stand out in its formula: berberine and complexed curcumin.

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With Ber-Detox, toxins are out! 3

The Ber-detox formula

Ber-Detox is an ideal food supplement that helps detoxify the liver and the body to prevent its deterioration. Contains 9 active ingredients, including berberine and complexed curcumin..

The berberine is a fundamental plant in traditional Chinese medicine. It improves the hepatic function of the organism by its powerful depurative action. With its bitter taste, it helps eliminate excess lipids from the body. But Ber-detox now tastes like strawberry, thanks to its improved formula.

Regarding the curcuminIts properties were also recognized by the ancient peoples of Asia as a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It helps to improve liver function thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant effects, bringing the characteristic color of turmeric root to Ber-Detox.

It also has other plants that protect the hepatic system from traditional medicine: artichoke, milk thistle, boldo and desmodium, which reinforce the hypoprotective, digestive, depurative and antioxidant effects, among others.

The liver is one of the most important organs of our organism, and we must prevent its deterioration or treat the dysfunctions it may have. For a good detox it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle: take care of our health, exercise regularly, watch our body weight, follow a correct diet, include fruit, vegetables and fiber in our diet, do not abuse alcohol, etc.

¡Discover Ber-Detox