5 tips for perfect legs this summer

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Do you find it an impossible challenge to show off beautiful legs?

In plameca we want to help you achieve it, so if you are one of those who constantly covers your legs to not show them, read carefully what we are going to tell you because today's blog is made for you.

1. Get moving

Exercise! Jump, run, walk, bike, dance... there are endless exercises you can do to keep your legs strong. If dancing isn't your thing, try cycling. There's sure to be one for you.

Once you have found the sport you like, practice it regularly. Exercising for a day, a week or a month is hardly useful. You must establish a routine and stick to it so that your muscles will adapt, become firm and you will gain in beauty and health.

run2. Tan your legs

Secondly... sunbathe! Get a tan and show off your legs and get that desired skin tone. But be careful and always use the right sun protection factor. If you want more information on how to take care of your skin from the sun, visit the following link blog.

3. Avoid high heels

Heels stylize the shape of our body and do not necessarily have to be 12 centimeters high and have a stiletto heel. Use wedges, wide heels, platforms ... That stylize your figure while you go comfortable and your back does not suffer so much.

tacones nuevo

By the way, color does matter. If you want to look taller and with longer legs, we recommend you to wear heels with a color as close as possible to your skin tone, nude or beige.

4. Eat more fiber

Eating well reflects on our health and our body. Therefore, it is very important to know what foods we should eat to tighten and tone our legs.

Fiber is a natural source of energy that is easily absorbed and low in calories. Foods containing high levels of fiber help the digestive system and muscles to tone up.

In addition, fiber plays a key role in preventing circulatory problems and it is important to include it in our regular diet. Consuming vegetables, fruit, cereals, as well as wholemeal bread and pasta is essential for a healthy and balanced diet. And, above all, hydrate yourself well. Water helps the legs to firm up because it dilutes the concentration of fat in the body.


5. Give yourself the best of treats and ask for an appointment with the masseuse.

Sometimes we have the legs too loaded for reasons that can be very diverse as stress, overwork, poor circulation, etc.. So lie down, close your eyes and enjoy a massage that will surely help you relax, reduce stress and anxiety.

If you do not want to go to a professional massage yourself. Start the massage from the ankles with one hand on each side of the leg and massage until you reach the upper thigh. Use your hands to apply pressure and also your fingers to reach all areas of the leg. A good massage will activate the circulation in your legs.

By following these tips and using Venalight Plus you can improve the health of your legs.

Visit our website and buy your Venalight Plus. This year you will show off legs of infarction.
