Light dinner recipes

Hello again dear readers!

Let's see... how many of you like to spend hours cooking? Unless you have a passion for cooking, it is difficult to enjoy spending a long time preparing the most laborious dishes, especially in this heat!

It's summer and it's time for dinner on the patio or terrace, but a light dinner so we don't feel heavy.

So today's entry is aimed at those who like to eat well without complicating their lives. Ready? Let's go for our number 1 dish

1 . Gulas with garlic prawns. And there is nothing better than a northern gulas.

This dish is very simple, delicious and very healthy.

Source; recipe

For its elaboration we will need:
1 package of gulas.

250 grams of shrimp.

2 or 3 garlic, chili peppers (depending on how hot you like it).

Extra virgin olive oil.


Cut the garlic into slices and pour a dash of oil in the pan with the chili peppers to heat it up.

Then we peel the shrimp, or did you intend to eat them unpeeled...? And once the garlic has browned we add them together with another garlic and the gulas.

And that's it! That's all there is to it.

  1. Salmon toast.

It is very easy to make and delicious.

We will only need:

Toasted bread (preferably whole wheat).

100g of sliced salmon.

Fresh cheese spread.

Oil and salt.

And we simply have to:

Heat some bread in the toaster.

Cover with butter or cheese spread.

Place the slice of salmon.

And as a final touch, grate a little lemon peel on top to give it flavor (we can also squeeze a little lemon on top, but only a pinch).

Source; recipe

  1. Avocado toast.

Of course, while we're on toast, why not make some with avocado?

Take note because you will only need:

1 avocado.

Toasted bread (preferably whole wheat).

50-100g of Serrano ham.

Fresh tomato.

Black olives.

Oil and salt.

We return to the previous procedure:

Heat some bread in the toaster or frying pan.

Once the bread is golden brown, add a drizzle of oil.

We spread the chopped avocado on top with a little Serrano ham, fresh tomato cut into small pieces, a couple of black olives to "crown the cake".

And another drizzle of oil with a pinch of salt.

We would already be our avocado toast! They are really delicious!!!!


By the way, do you know the health benefits of eating avocado?

It is a food that contains a multitude of vitamins and healthy fats. Avocado offers benefits for the eyesight due to its high composition of a caratenoid called lutein. This organic pigment helps absorb ultraviolet rays to prevent damage to the retina.

Avocado is a source of Vitamin EThis activates our immunity against diseases and also revitalizes our skin to make it smooth and radiant.

On the other hand, it is a great food to keep cholesterol at bay. Its high Beta-sitosterol content helps the body to keep cholesterol low.

And, finally, it favors the nutrient absorption. That's right, a person who includes avocado in his or her daily diet will tend to absorb nutrients better.

From Plameca we have proposed some delicious, healthy and simple recipes for your summer nights. We hope you liked them, see you next week!!!