Christmas excesses and how to counteract them

Christmas excesses and how to counteract them BLOG

You can see it coming: Christmas is on the prowl and with it the excesses. Despite the fact that this Christmas is expected to be different from what we have so far considered normal, if there is one thing that is not contemplated to change, it is hypercaloric snacks, extra fats and abundant meals. What to do to counteract it?

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What NOT to do

Let's start with what not to do. If after the excesses you think that skipping dinner or breakfast can help you regain your weight, you're wrong. your weight, you're wrong. The recommendation is to make the main meals lighter, not to eliminate them. not eliminate them.

Starting a very strict diet or doing high-intensity sports without a professional without the supervision of a professional is not a good idea either. First of all, because it is essential to have the help of a dietician or nutritionist to create a diet according to your needs and a diet according to your needs and habits and, secondly, because you could easily injure yourself. easily injure yourself.

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What to do after the excesses

The main objective is to help our body to regain normality and lose the weight that has been taken during one of the most caloric seasons of the year. And, although it may seem incredible to you, for this we do not have to apply major changes in our habits or diet, but we do have to take into account these measures:

  • Learn to eat better: adopt healthy eating habits. It sounds easy and, in fact, it is. You can follow the food guide that we publish.
  • Schedules and planning: it is important that you eat five meals a day, but also that you eat them at the same time. We also recommend planning your weekly menus. You will save time and, by having it prepared, you will avoid possible temptations.
  • Don't drink calories: keep alcohol, industrial juices or sugary soft drinks away from your diet. They are a calorie bomb and do a disservice to your health.
  • Realistic goals: setting unattainable goals will only discourage you and make you give up. Set goals that you can achieve and go little by little.
  • Sport: you need to be physically active on a daily basis. If you have never played sports before, you don't need to sign up for crossfit or do two hours of cardio a day (although if this is your routine we congratulate you!); walking 30 to 40 minutes a day is enough.
  • Water: drink between two and three liters of water a day or the equivalent of 8 glasses of water. Not only does it help us feel fuller, but it also improves our intestinal transit. And herbal teas count too!
  • Sleep: Did you know that sleeping well helps burn fat? A study from the University of Chicago came to the conclusion that if, while dieting, we sleep through the night this results in more fat being lost. "Specifically, if we reduce our sleep to only 5.5 hours we lose the same weight as after 8.5 hours of sleep, but fat burning is reduced by half."
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Is there anything I can do during?

Of course! We recommend you to use the food supplement Plan Excesos for when you don't want to have remorse. Just take one capsule half an hour before lunch or dinner.