Film diets

Hollywood Diets

Learn about the most surprising diets that some Hollywood actors and actresses have followed to undergo an amazing physical change to adapt to the demands of the character.

It is known by all movie lovers that Hollywood actors have to do everything they are asked to do to modify their physical appearance and meet the demands of the script. In this post we bring you the most extreme diets that some world-class actors and actresses have undergone to get a good characterization for a role. The professionalism of some of these Hollywood actors and actresses have made them undergo extreme diets, either to lose or gain weight, even risking their health in order to get a good representation.

Alexander Skarsgård

The actor Swedish actor in charge of bringing Tarzan to life in The Legend of Tarzan followed a very strict diet while preparing his character for the movie directed by David Yates. This severe diet led him to gain 11kg by ingesting up to 7,000 calories a day spread over six meals combined with intense workouts to shape the muscles he sports in the movie released in 2016.



Angelina Jolie

To play Lara Croft in the year 2001 in the first film adaptation of the video games of Tomb RaiderAngelina Jolie had to catch up with the imposing physique of the original character created by computer for the video game saga. To this end, she had to undergo long and demanding days of daily exercise to give shape to the large muscles she shows off in the film. To complement the exercise, the actress followed a diet based on steamed vegetables and fisheliminating any sugar from their daily menu, and giving up both tobacco and alcohol.



Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt has always stood out for his physique. However, when he was preparing to give life to the legendary Achilles in the movie Troy, the actor wanted to acquire a physique similar to that of the Greek sculptures that refer to the legendary war hero. Thus, he wanted to increase his musculature by doing daily exercise sessions and taking four meals a dayconsisting of at least 30 grams of protein, 45 grams of carbohydrates, and 15 grams of saturated fats, according to Celebrity Fitness Training. In addition to this, he stopped smoking, drinking alcohol and, of course, eating junk food.


Christian Bale

Christian Bale is the actor of drastic diets. The diet of this versatile actor is one of the most chaotic in all of Hollywood, given its a penchant for radical changes in weight and appearance depending on one role or another. From exhibiting a strong musculature for American PsychoBale voluntarily turned himself in to the most atrocious hunger to participate in The Machinistwhere his character evidenced extreme thinness. For this role he had to change his eating habits and his diet was then limited to a cup of coffeewithout sugar, and one apple or can of tuna a day, losing up to 28 kilos... Only a year after this role, he would recover his stocky figure for the movie Batman Begins. Subsequently, in 2013, in The Great American Swindle Christian Bale could be seen looking like a noticeably overweight person.



Chris Evans

In order to become the powerful alter-ego of Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First AvengerChris Evans continued a high-protein diet, also taking many vitamins to adequately withstand the hard exercises he undertook in his preparation. The enviable physique The digital effects were only used to make the extreme thinness of the previous version of the character.



Charlize Theron

The actress who would establish herself as an action heroine in Mad Max: Road Ragepreviously ventured into action films with Aeon FluxThe film's futuristic setting required all his physical abilities. The diet he followed for it was one high in protein and low in carbohydrateswith the objective of showing off a figure athletics.



Hugh Jackman

The person in charge of interpreting the most charismatic mutant had to train himself thoroughly to be Wolverine in each of the deliveries of X-Menin addition to following a strict regimen based almost exclusively on unprocessed proteins. These were to be divided into six meals a day in order to shape the impressive musculature that he displays in the Marvel movies.



Hilary Swank

U.S. actress to prepare for her role as a beefy boxer in Million Dollar Babywas forced to consume up to 4,000 calories per day50 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbohydrates every four hours, supplemented with a multitude of shakes. The results of such a sacrificial diet were exceptional and her adaptation to the role consecrated her as the winner of the award. Oscar as best actress in 2004.



Hafthór Júlíus Björnsson

This athlete Icelandic competed to be "The World's Strongest Man" and "Europe's Strongest Man" since 2011. But his worldwide fame came from bringing Gregor Clegane to life. The Mountain in the series Game of Thrones.

To maintain his imposing physique, Hafthór follows some impressive eating habits. This actor and sportsman starts his day with 30 minutes of cardio and then eat eight eggsThese are followed by a calculated succession of large meals. These meals include 400 grams of veal, 400 grams of potatoes and 500 grams of salmon which are interspersed with short daily workouts.



These are just some of the most daring diets that some of Hollywood's actors and actresses have followed to shape up their roles. All of them were supervised by expert nutritionists and trainers so that under no circumstances would the health of these actors and actresses be at risk.

In future posts we will bring you other diets that other Spanish actors and actresses have followed to give life to their characters.