Luis Miguel Padrino, Plameca's Curarti® champion

At Plameca we like to support sporting talent, and from the osteoarticular line Curarti we sponsor sportsmen of important trajectory. One of them is Luis Miguel Padrino Vallejo, an outstanding master swimmer of the Malvar Swimming Club.

Padrino was born in 1974 and at the age of 10 he started swimming until he became one of the most outstanding swimmers at European and world masters level.


You recently participated in the Spanish Swimming Championships in Badajoz with Plameca's equipment. We have to congratulate you for having proclaimed twice champion of Spain, in the 200 free and 200 butterfly. We would like to know your experience, what were your feelings?

padrino campeón plameca curarti
Luís Miguel Padrino at the Spanish Swimming Championship in Badajoz.

L.M.P- Thank you very much. I finished the tournament with a very positive feeling, despite the conditions of the pool were not the best. I am very satisfied with the result of the Championship. 

A good preparation, a great work after a great result, the great ability to be number one and a correct nutrition. What do you think is essential to have become champion?

L.M.P- The most important thing is training, perseverance, effort and a good diet. And of course, and no less important for me, is the unconditional support of my wife and my children who give me strength to continue day after day.

How many Spanish championships have you competed in?

L.M.P- Since 2014 when I returned to competition, I have participated in 2 Spanish Championships in Zaragoza in 2015 and this year in Badajoz.

You told us that one of your challenges would be to go to the Police and Fire World Cup in Los Angeles. Does your challenge still stand? What does it mean for you?

L.M.P- Of course it is. It is a great challenge because every year there is a higher level, and being able to compete against many former Olympic and international swimmers is a very positive and enriching experience for me.

For the rest of the year, what will be your next championships?

L.M.P- The only thing left for me this year is the World Championship in Los Angeles. It will be a very promising experience.

[resum] [resum"Curarti helps me to prevent wear and tear and to maintain muscle mass, bones and cartilage". Luis Miguel Padrino[/resume].

Let's talk about CurartiPlameca's supplement for champions. As an athlete, what does the food supplement give you?

L.M.P- It gives me that extra boost so that my joints respond on those intense training days and I can be at 100% in competitions.

Who would you recommend Curarti and why?

L.M.P- To everyone, from high-level athletes to people who do little or no physical activity, because they are natural products that help prevent wear and tear and preserve muscle mass, bones and cartilage.

Thank you very much for your time and kindness. Plameca is proud to be your sponsor and to be able to contribute to the wellbeing of your joints through CurartiWe wish you a lot of success!