Black pepper, a spice valued in cooking and medicine

The black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a plant of Indian origin. Since ancient times, its fruit has been used as a condiment and has been valued for its medicinal properties. So highly valued was the black pepper that was used as currency and even to make offerings. to the gods. Today it is marketed all over the world.

It is a climbing plant that begins to bear fruit three or four years after planting. It has no seasonality, so the fruit can be purchased at any time of the year. The name black pepper refers to the fact that its fruits have been harvested when ripe and allowed to dry to a black color. Green pepper and white pepper come from the same plant and their color depends on the ripeness of the fruit and the way they are harvested.


Properties of black pepper

  • Facilitates digestion: the black pepper increases stomach secretionscontributing to a good digestion. It also helps to prevent intestinal gas.
  • Contains antioxidantsWe have already explained previously that the oxidative damage caused by free radicals is a cause of premature aging, liver problems and the origin of degenerative diseases.
  • Care for the skinhelps to cure vitiligo, a disease that causes depigmentation of some areas of the skin. The piperine contained in the black pepper stimulates pigment production.
  • Treats respiratory problems such as asthma and acute cough. In fact, the black pepper is found in various tonics to fight colds and flus.


Plameca complements with black pepper

In conclusion, it only remains to add that two food supplements of the Plan 21 from Plameca contain black pepper. It is about Keton Activ y Plan AWe encourage you to get to know them!


[resum] [resumSince ancient times black pepper has been valued as a spice and for its medicinal properties. At Plameca we have incorporated this plant into two Plan 21 food supplements.[/resume]

Photo: @abc7