How to make homemade flan


Flan is always a good option to bring to the table. Both young and old like it and, with this recipe, you will make it more healthy.


  • 3 and ½ teaspoons (13 g) erythrol
  • 8 tablespoons of water
  • 1 tablespoon black molasses
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons (25 g) erythrol
  • 225 ml whipping cream
  • 225 ml almond milk (unsweetened)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 16.5 cm oven-safe mold, or 4 small molds.


  1. Combine erythrole and water. Stir to mix and set aside.
  2. Pour the molasses into a small saucepan and heat over medium-low heat until it begins to bubble (approx. 30 seconds).
  3. Pour in the erythrole and water mixture and stir to combine until all solids have dissolved. Cook over medium heat for 4 minutes stirring often. Remove from heat and pour in caramel into the baking pan, covering the anchorage. Allow to cool to room temperature.
  4. Preheat the oven to 150º C.
  5. Mix the rest of the ingredients (eggs, erythrole, whipping cream, almond milk, vanilla extract and pinch of salt) and stir. Strain and pour into the baking dish.
  6. Place the mold in a deep baking pan. Fill the pan with boiling water until it reaches the same level as the flan. Bake in the center of the oven for 40 minutes or until the flan has the consistency of jelly in the center.
  7. Remove the flan from the oven and let it cool to room temperature. Use the tip of a sharp knife to separate the edge of the flan from the mold. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving.

Prepare this delicious recipe and share the results with us at social networks tagging us or using the hashtag #recetaPlameca, so we can share them with the rest of our followers. Enjoy!