Palometa and shrimp in sauce

palometaygamonensalsa BLOG

The palometa and shrimp in sauce is a delicious recipe made with such a humble fish as the palometa, also known by names such as japuta, castañeta or zapatero. It is a white or semi-fatty saltwater fish and its protein content is very high, higher than that of most fish.

The appearance (it is black in color and resembles a piranha) and the intense flavor of this fish make many people hesitate to buy it at the fishmonger's, but we strongly advise you to give it a try, you will not regret it.

In addition, it is a dish suitable for the smallest of the house. And the fact is that the permit has a central spine that is easy to remove and few small spines.


  • 150 gr of permit
  • 6 shrimp

Ingredients for the sauce

  • 50 gr of unroasted peeled almonds
  • Fresh parsley
  • 1 chopped garlic clove
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 20 gr of grated cured cheese
  • Salt and pepper


  1. To make the sauce, put the parsley leaves, almonds, garlic, lemon juice, water, cheese, salt, pepper and oil in a blender and blend until well mixed.
  2. In a casserole brown the permit and shrimp.
  3. Add the sauce to the casserole and allow to reduce for a few minutes.

Prepare this delicious recipe for palometa and shrimp in sauce at home and share the results with us at social networks tagging us or using the hashtag #recetaPlameca, so we can share them with the rest of our followers. Enjoy!