
Quality of life

Quality of life

Mosquito bites: prevention and cure

One of the most unpleasant summer companions are mosquitoes. We all dread their bites. Their buzzing doesn't let us [...]

Quality of life

Verbena de San Juan: a tradition with fire, nocturnal baths and medicinal plants as protagonists

Bonfires, fireworks, firecrackers, night baths, dinner with family or friends, dancing and fun. The Verbena de San [...]

Quality of life

Stress and anxiety? take it easy!

There is a lot of talk about knowing how to manage stress because this alteration is usually associated with something harmful, but it does not have [...]

Quality of life

How you should eat during menopause

Hormonal changes, emotional ups and downs, sweating and hot flashes, insomnia... The transition to menopause can be a nightmare. To these discomforts [...]


Curarti Selectium: for competition joints

At Plameca we have developed Curarti Selectium, an innovative formula to keep joints, muscles and bones in optimal condition. Curarti [...]

Quality of life

Vacations: time to disconnect and reconnect

With the arrival of the vacations, the rush is over. It's time to disconnect from many of the obligations, [...]

Quality of life

Dr. José Durán: "A sedentary lifestyle is today's number one evil".

Dr. José Durán Florit, member 08-08073-8, has spent most of his professional career as a family physician [...].

Quality of life

Elsa Pataky: diet, exercise and motivation

Actress Elsa Pataky has an enviable figure. Mother of three children -a little girl and two twins- and with a [...]

Quality of life

Spring asthenia: food supplements and medicinal plants

Asthenia is a generalized feeling of tiredness and weakness, both physical and mental, that manifests itself in the day [...]

Quality of life

A diet rich in water

That water is the source of life goes without saying. And that is why it is so important to drink water. But we don't ingest [...]


10 benefits of running

More and more people have decided to get in shape with running. If you are one of them, [...]

Quality of life

Organic products: a growing trend with a bright future

Almost a third of Spaniards consume organic products and 25% of them take organic products daily. Thus [...]

Quality of life

Insomnia: the habits to achieve a good night's sleep

Insomnia is one the disorders that most affects our society. It is estimated that between 8% and [...]


Joints and sport: avoid injuries

The streets of our cities are full of runners. There are more and more sports clubs of the most diverse disciplines. [...]